Pillars to purpose

The Archetype Alchemist brand rests on four pillars.

Creativity, compassion, collaboration, and confidence.

As a young girl, growing up in the Caribbean, I was surrounded by examples of smart, independent, working women and I believed in a woman’s power to forge her destiny. These women lived and embodied the values that my brand is built on, and they were my first example of it you can see it, you can be it. Many of these women provided the blueprint for the Archetypes that I eventually created

As an adult, I relocated to Europe for love and had to reinvent myself professionally. My core values helped me to apply my teaching experience from the Caribbean to my legal and coaching careers in Europe. For the past three decades, I’ve been fortunate to have worked with a variety of smart and talented people. One thing I noticed that was common to every industry I worked in and the colleagues or clients that I met was that we are more alike than we are different and we all crave the same basic things: the ability to express ourselves, the right to be seen and heard, a feeling of belonging and a sense of purpose.

These basic needs work well with the core values that I have applied in my professional and personal relationships when working in teams, negotiating contracts, creating psychologically safe work environments, and resolving disputes.

The Archetype Alchemist Energy Academy idea slowly took shape as I worked outward from these core values. Our values need a vehicle, a receptacle, and a way for us to put them into practice. As life lifelong reader and lover of mythology and psychology, I ended up being fascinated by personality types and archetypes. The Archetypes are the vehicle for our values and embodying the values helps us to express our full purpose.

I created feminine Archetypes because the feminine works best with the main core values that I have identified. My area of interest is also working women and the various issues that women face at work specifically mental health issues, menopause issues, and obstacles to professional advancement,

In the Archetype Alchemist Energy Academy, you will learn how to work with the Archetypes and how to embody these pillars of purpose through tested and proven practices. I invite you to join me in creating a world in which smart, talented, and creative people enjoy mutually satisfying, supportive, and secure personal and professional relationships in a supportive culture that they create themselves.
