Chapter One: Introducing the Archetypes, Coloring Book

The coloring book serves as Chapter 1 of a regularly updated online book which you can find on the Archetype Alchemist website.

In the online book, the archetypes are linked to various systems like the 5 elements theory, the astrological system, working with crystals, animal totems, the tarot and the coaching system Theory U. Systems are simply lenses through which we make sense of the world. I have linked the archetypes to the various systems in order to give you various perspectives on the same issues and to deepen your practice with the archetypes.

“I created this series to honor women I have known and admired. It is a mixture of myth and reality and it is my hope that in working with these Archetypes that you will come to a better understanding of self.

With Love and Respect,
